03 April 2006

Germany and Luxembourg

I got back from my last trip on Friday, March 31. It was a three-week trip, instead of the two weeks that they used to be. Hopefully they'll go back to two weeks soon. Anyway, this was a mostly standard trip, with Germany, Turkey, and Iraq stops.

We got about 4 days off in Germany towards the end of the trip and made the most of it. Taking a van, we went to Trier, Germany (Germany's oldest city) and saw the Trier Cathedral, which was amazing. Trier is also home to Porta Nigra, a huge black gate looking thing that the Romans built at the end of the second century as an entrance to the city. It's the largest Roman fortified gateway still in existence.

The next day, we made it down to Echternach, a city on the German/Luxembourg border. Also with a lot of cool old stuff. This is a picture of an old school in the city, still in use (there were elementary/junior high kids running around everywhere). After Echternach, we headed down to Luxembourg City, the capital. More cathedrals and cool old buildings. There is much of the city built in a big ravine surrounding a river that runs through the middle of the city. Pretty interesting landscape.

All in all, a good trip. Long, but good.


Chris Goeppner said...

ive been there. pretty cool. i went to the american military cemetary there in lux. very moving.

Bryonm said...

Looks like a great trip!